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  • Writer's pictureMcCallum Roofing Ltd.

Skylight Leaks? Not if Sealed Properly!

Updated: Aug 30, 2019

Tarring around such objects as plumbing stacks, chimneys and skylights can result in leakage, which could potentially damage the foundation of a home.

In the original re-shingling project done by another company, the contractor only shingled up to the skylight and then tarred around it. Tarring around such objects as plumbing stacks, chimneys and skylights can result in leakage, which could potentially damage the foundation of a home.

BEFORE: Incorrect skylight reshingling. Contractor incorrectly tarred around the skylight.

McCallum Roofing replaced the shingling surrounding a skylight using correct materials and quality craftsmanship.

AFTER: Correct materials and a clean finish to prevent leakage and damage to the home's foundation.

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